Registration Steps

Please read the following steps carefully before you register. For any queries or technical issues, contact the help desk on: Email: or Phone: +67579909382 Whatsapp: +67579909382

1. Details you should have on hand before your register.

i) Your File Number ii) Memberships and memberships' numbers iii) Different deductions and their fortnightly deductions' amounts

1. i) Your File Number

Your file number is your employment file number.

1. ii) Memberships' and memberships' numbers

The memberships options are:(a) PNGTA membership (b) Welfare Fund memberhip (c) Nambawan Super membership (d) Teachers' Savings And Loans (TSL) membership. If you are a member to one or more of these organisations, you should have your membership ID or file number available before registration. For those PNGTA members, if you do not have a registration number, you will just enter "NA" in the appropriate input field on the online registation form.

1. iii) Deductions

The deduction options are:(a) Income Tax (b) Nambawan Super (c) Teachers' Savings & Loans (TSL) (d) PNGTA (e) Welfare Fund (f) Others. If you have deductions from one or more of these organisations, you should note the fortnightly deduction amounts before registration. In the case of 'Others', if you have additional deductions not indicated here, you should total the fortnightly amounts and have it ready to enter upon registration.

2. Registration Process

The registration process includes the following steps.

2.1) User Login

Select/click on the 'User Login' link as indicated below.

2.2) Enter username & password

After selecting/clicking on the 'User Login' link the following page should appear. You are to enter the username (User Id) and password (Password) that is given to you by a PNGTA personnel and press the 'Login' button. See below.

2.3) Enter your 'Personal Details'

After a successful login the following page should appear (see below). You are to fill in the necessary details as indicated on the 'Personal Details' web form. Please take note that the symbol inside each of the 'blue square boxes' as indicated on the pictures below indicate that you have to click on each of the rectangle boxes and a respective drop-down menu will appear for you to make your selections. Also the input boxes indicated by yellow rectangle lines indicate to you to select your 'province','district' and 'llg' of your origin (where you are from). Once you have filled in all the input boxes, you can click the blue 'Next' button to proceed to the next form.

2.4) Enter your 'Professional Details'

After pressing the 'Next' button on 'Personal Details' web form you will arrive at the 'Professional Details' web form (see below). You are to fill in the necessary details as indicated on the 'Professional Details' web form. Please take note that the symbol inside each of the 'blue square boxes' as indicated on the pictures below indicate that you have to click on each of the rectangle boxes and a respective drop-down menu will appear for you to make your selections. Once you have filled in all the input boxes, you can click the blue 'Next' button to proceed to the next web form.

2.5) Enter your 'Membership Details'

After pressing the 'Next' button on 'Professional Details' web form you will arrive at the 'Membership Details' web form (see below). You are to fill in the necessary details (only two input boxes) as indicated on the 'Membership Details' web form. And each time when you select your 'membership choice' and input your membership ID/number, you have to click the 'Submit' button to register each detail of your specific membership. Depending on how many memberships you belong to, you may make respective entries and press the 'Submit' button each time. Please take note that the symbol inside the 'blue square box' as indicated on the picture below indicates that you have to click on the rectangle box and a respective drop-down menu will appear for you to make your membership selections. If you are a member of PNGTA but do not have a membership number, enter 'NA' in the Membership Number input box. Once you have completed your memberships' submissions, you can click on 'Next' button to proceed to the next web form.

2.6) Enter your 'Deductions Details'

After pressing the 'Next' button on 'Membership Details' Web form you will arrive at the 'Deductions Details' web form (see below). You are to fill in the necessary details (only two input boxes) as indicated on the 'Deductions Details' web form. And each time when you select your 'Deduction's choice' and input your respective fortnightly deductions' amount, you have to click the 'Submit' button to register each detail of your specific deduction. Depending on how many deductions you have, you may make respective entries and press the 'Submit' button each time. Please take note that the symbol inside the 'blue square box' as indicated on the picture below indicates that you have to click the rectangle box and a respective drop-down menu will appear for you to make your deduction selections. If you have other deductions, apart from the ones listed, then choose 'Other' and total the fortnightly deductions of the others not indicated and enter the total in the amount box. Once you have completed your deductions' submissions, you can click on the 'Next' button to proceed to the last web form.

2.7) Enter your 'Dependents' Details'

After pressing the 'Next' button on 'Deduction Details' web form you will arrive at the 'Dependents' Details' web form (see below). You are to fill in the necessary details as indicated on the 'Dependents' Details' web form. And each time when you fill in each of your dependents' details, you have to click the 'Submit' button to register each detail of your individual dependents. Depending on how many dependents you have, you may make respective entries and press the 'Submit' button each time. Once you have completed your Dependents' submissions, you can click on the 'Complete' button to complete the registration. This will lead you to a notification web form, notifying you of the success of your registration.

2.8) Registration Complete Notification'

After pressing the 'Complete' button on 'Dependents' Details' web form you will see a notification web form indicating the success of your registration.(see below). Simply click 'Ok' to close the form and you will return to the main web form. Congratulations, your registration is complete. PNGTA wishes to thank you for your registration. This process completes a foundating phase of Restoring, Reforming and Modernizing PNGTA.